About the instruments:
The violin has a long history as both a classical and a folk instrument. If you want the flexibility to both play in a symphony orchestra and fiddle at a folk dance, this is the instrument for you. Violins come in a variety of sizes (1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and full size) but they all play the same pitches. Which size you start with depends on the physical size of the student.
The viola is a slightly larger, slightly lower member of the violin family. If you are considering the violin but prefer the lower, mellower range of the instrument, then the viola may suit you better. It also comes in a variety of sizes for small beginners to start on. One advantage of playing the viola is that there are not as many viola players as violn players, so you may find yourself with more opportunities to play with different groups.
About the Lessons:
Lessons are weekly private lessons and are 30 minutes, 45 minutes or 1 hour depending on age and level. I take students 3 years old and up. I expect that a parent will participate in the lesson along with the young student, and practice daily at home with the student. The length of time spent in practice will vary depending on your playing level, but as a rule of thumb, plan to practice daily for at least as long as the length of your lesson.
Please contact me to arrange to observe some lessons prior to starting your own studies so we get to meet, and you see what I expect in lessons.
I have two student recitals per year, usually in January and June. My students often participate in festivals and exams.
Lesson Schedule
See my full weekly lesson schedule to check your lesson time, find out if you have a lesson this week or anything else you need to know about the schedule. I will try to keep it as up to date as possible.
see schedule